Root Canals

Preserve Your Natural Smile With In-Office Root Canal Services You Can Trust

At Dr. Jonathan L. Lowry, DSS, PLLC, we understand that root canals may be the last option for our patients to preserve what's left of their natural tooth before discussing extractions. With years of experience helping patients throughout Hendersonville, NC, restore their smiles, our office has the skills to help protect your smile without the need for referrals and additional waiting periods in most cases. Don't let dental issues compromise your smile. Call us today at 828-693-6465 to schedule your appointment and discover how we can help restore your dental health.

Understanding the Treatment: What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure to save a severely damaged or infected tooth by removing the infected pulp and nerve tissue within the tooth's root canal system. This process allows us to alleviate pain caused by infection while preventing further issues and preserving the tooth.


Our experienced dentist will thoroughly examine your tooth and take X-rays to assess the extent of damage or infection and determine whether the tooth can be saved with a root canal.

Access and Cleaning: 

The dentist will create a small opening in the tooth to access the infected pulp chamber and root canals. Then, with specialized tools, the dentist carefully removes the infected tissue and cleans the inside of the tooth and root canals. Once clean, the space is filled with biocompatible material to seal the tooth and prevent reinfection.


Depending on the extent of damage, a dental crown or filling may be placed to restore the tooth's function and appearance.

Root Canals Without the Need for a Specialist Referral

While some offices don't perform root canals in-office, the team here at Dr. Jonathan L. Lowry, DDS, PLLC, has the skills and equipment to handle most root canals without needing to send you to a specialist. Of course, some situations will require a specialist, and our team will work with you to get you seen by a local expert as soon as possible.

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